Anatomy of Root
Anatomy of Root: Overview
This topic briefs on different types of tissues in roots and their water pathways. It discusses the anatomical structure of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous roots and the differences between them is discussed here.
Important Questions on Anatomy of Root
Two cross-sections of stem and root appear simple when viewed by the naked eye. But under a microscope, they can be differentiated by:

In monocot root the cambium is present.

Explain the arrangement of tissues in vascular bundle of monocot root.

What is the arrangement of the xylem and phloem of a vascular bundle of dicot root?

Which one of the following options correctly represents the tissue arrangement in roots

Consider the following statements:
1. Epidermis and cortex of monocot root are similar to those of dicot root.
2. Hypodermis of dicot stem consists of sclerenchymatous cells.
3. The cells of bundle sheath in maize leaf serve as temporary storage cells.
4. The dicot leaf is hypostomatic.
Which of these statements are correct?

In which of the following would you find radial arrangement of vascular bundles?
(a) Sunflower root
(b) Sunflower stem
(c) Wheat stem
(d) Maize root

Cell walls of root hairs for absorbing water must be

Root cap has no function in water absorption, because

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the anatomy of dicotyledonous roots?

Transport proteins, of 'a layer' of root, are control points where a plant adjusts the quantity and types of solutes that reach the xylem. In this statement term 'a layer' denotes which of the following?

The dicotyledonous plants have _______ vascular bundles.

The cells of the quiescent centre are characterised by

Four radial vascular bundles are found in ______

Anatomically fairly old dicotyledonous root is distinguished from the dicotyledonous stem by which of the following?

Select the right option regarding monocotyledonous root.